
welcome to the home page of the park co. rod and gun club. This blog is intended to be your source of information about the club. Things like the calender of events, schedualed range closers, and dircections to the range. just select "blog archive" to find the topic you are interested in. Hope this is helpfull. I'll see you at the range. rob

Sunday, November 21, 2010


When the club first organised its founders saw 7 needs that they could fill. They are...

1)To cooperate in the stocking of game fish and game birds in and around Park County.

2)To provide a clearing house for the exchange of ideas and cooperation of all Sportsmen of Park County.

3)To aid any worthy movement to improve fish and game resources of Park County. to aggressively oppose any unfair or destructive policies of legislation.

4)to procure the enactment of wise and uniform laws for the propagation and protection of fish and game and all wildlife in our state.

5)To create and foster a public sentiment in favor of better protection of fish and game and the observance and enforecement of all laws enacted for their protection.

6)To buy or sell any personal or real proterty for the use of the club.

7)to establish and maintain a rifle and shotgun shooting facility and club-house for the club.